Global Roadmap for Reaching 100% Zero- Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles by 2040
Global Roadmap for Reaching 100% Zero- Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles by 2040
- By CALSTART, Cristiano Façanha, PhD., Bill Van Amburg, Peter Jenkins, Owen MacDonnell
Date: 17 June, 2022
As a directional document, a six-stage strategy is established as an action plan and timeline for how to achieve Global MOU goals through an aligned set of discrete and actionable elements. Building on an established strategy and early progress in ZE-MHDV technology development and commercialization, this roadmap identifies and defines six discrete yet connected stages culminating with the full infrastructure network build-out, capital investment, and operational capability required for 100 percent of commercial vehicles to be zero-emission.
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