Analysis of Public Sales Commitments of Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Manufacturers and Expected Volumes
Analysis of Public Sales Commitments of Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Manufacturers and Expected Volumes
Identifying the Gap between the Market and the Commitments.Established original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that have built their business model around the internal combustion engine are beginning to shift their focus toward zero-emission transportation technologies. OEM commitments to zero-emission technologies are a step in the right direction but are still not sufficient to enable 100% ZE-MHDV sales by 2040. This study seeks to map the level of penetration, regional presence, and ambition of ZE-MHDV commitments by leading OEMs. It also approximates the speed at which OEMs must ramp up their ZE-MHDV manufacturing and sales to achieve their internal commitments and a potential scenario of 100% ZE-MHDV sales by 2040; and identifies the potential market gap for ZE-MHDVs that could exist if OEMs without commitments fall short of electrifying their vehicle offerings.